A Bouquet of Three

A late Fathers Day post by guest writer 

Isabel Lewis

There's a time and a place
As we strive to embrace
The significance of that one someone's life,

As according to ours
Like a bouquet of flowers
Beauty hardly comes without strife.

A bouquet is arranged
With much delicate change
From start to finish we know,

So let's begin to travel
And through time we'll unravel
A mystery begun long ago.

In the beginning was the Word
You might say it's absurd
But there's significance in it you'll see,

The Word was with God
And the Word was God
It was the beginning for you and me.

The Word was made flesh.
In a poor little creche
Lay the Christ child: God made man.

And then trickled down
After somewhere around
A two-thousand-year span

God decided to bring
You and Regla a spring
Gifts you would never forget,

The bounce in your step
The zip in your zep
Your most prized possessions yet.

Three dazzling gems
The creme de la creme
How beautiful God's creatures can be!

These amazing little flowers
Who could charm you for hours
Whose laughter would set you free.

And so we return
To what we have learned
Your daughters, a bouquet of three,

Life's precious fruits
From deep in your roots
Father to us, you will always be.
