Deep Roots in God's Garden me. These are my roots. They were just seedlings 25 years ago. They were sown on my brothers property; a place I think of as home.

Milkweed has an ancient beauty of it's own, and seems to me the most beautiful in the winter of life when the pods split revealing beautiful tufts of downy white seeds. It has a tough exterior with a woody look but the soft seeds will blow and plant themselves where ever the wind takes them, while the silent roots dig deep in the cold and snow.

I lived with my brothers family at a time of my life that seemed unsettled and restless. Needing to plant roots, his home was a haven, a Godsend to me. A time of being nourished, a time of prayer, of learning to trust the Lord, not knowing what may be in store. It was a time of healing and my roots dug deep.

Though I had always wanted to go back, God had planted me in a different place. He blows the seeds where He wills. This is not a time to look back, but a time to look forward; to keep growing those roots, deep in His Word. It's a time of detaching from the places, allowing Him to till the soil, to make it rich, and allow the Divine Gardener to sow anywhere He wishes.

So I say 'thank you' to the Gardener and all of His helpers. Thank you for your love, your prayers, and for sharing a very special place full of weddings, birthdays, and the sorrows of funerals as well.  Yours was a home where everyone was welcome and all came away healed. Take all of these memories with you, not to look back, but to take root where you go. Let the roots drive down deep into the soil the Master Gardener has tilled just for you.So, on to new sunsets on new fields. I know that it will be very, very fruitful.
