Bring out Your Dead by Betty Parquette


  There are two birds I thoroughly enjoy, and they couldn’t be further from each other on the feathered friend spectrum. First, there is the hummingbird. What a great, might I say amazing little creature. God must have had such fun on the fourth day with these little guys. I can’t think of any creature of flight more delightful. Flying first one way and then the other, stop, hover, backwards, and defying even the most brilliant of aviation gurus. And such joy they give us! People everywhere put out hummingbird feeders to attract them. Second on my list of feathered aviators are the magnificent Turkey Vultures. An ugly bird to be sure, but not one without merit. It goes without saying that one wouldn’t set out feeders to attract them, and yet I always stop to admire them when I spot them. As much as Hummers have their purpose, I would propose to you that a world without Vultures would be an ugly world indeed.

  I do believe I need to come to the Vultures defense, so I offer you an analogy that may help them gain some popularity. Some may say that nature has no garbage men. I say they do. These under- appreciated , magnificent birds soar on the air currents seemingly without effort. (I am sure that Hummers expel far more energy pound for pound than any aviator I could think of). Now, why would God, in that pristine garden, on the fourth day create such an unassuming and on close inspection, quite ugly bird as the vulture? Due to original sin, the world would no longer be that pristine Garden of Eden and all creation would suffer along side us and die with us. If not for the Vultures I imagine the state of (and smell of) the world would be quite unbearable. Imagine if you will the Vulture’s slow climb to great heights, catching air currents, and spiraling, seemingly without effort as they spy out the dead, then slowly descend upon the carcass and  pick the deceased clean. Maybe not a very nice thought but can you imagine the alternative? And WE, a very unappreciative people take it all for granted. Do we put out anything to attract the likes of them like we do the hummers? Not even a “bring out your dead”!

            We have been taught to think of  the Holy Spirit as fire, wind, and even a dove. Would it be a far stretch of the imagination to think of Him as a Turkey Vulture? It’s not pretty, I know, but neither is our filth; the things which are dead in our souls. We call on Him to point out to us the garbage in our hearts and ask for His aid to rid ourselves of our favorite sins. He is as patient as the vultures, soaring overhead, just waiting for us to give up to Him what is dead in us, what is not eternal. And when we do submit to him with contrite hearts, not a trace of the sin is left. Quite an efficient garbage collector He is.

            For myself, I know my garbage and receptacle has been quite full in the past. Some sins, thank the Lord, were picked to the bone, never to be seen again. Not even a stench. Some though, the smaller things that nag at me seem so much harder to kill off and He is just biding time, waiting for me to “bring out my dead”. When I do smell the stench of the garbage in my soul, what a relief is awaiting right across the street in the Catholic Ghetto. Those wonderful garbage men (they prefer the more dignified title of Priest), are there waiting, biding time, praying for us to give up our dead.

            Call it the Heavenly neighborhood recycling center as a friend so aptly named it. When we make a deposit at the confessional all the filth is gone for good, and what is left? What GOOD can come from our waste? Let's call it fertilizer, because remember, “All things work for good for those who love God, and are called according to His purpose”. Even refuse.
