Be Specific in Prayer ~ A Tale of Three Ducklings

Two mallards came daily to the feeders, delighting my pre-teen daughter. Sadly, over the next few weeks, the male appeared to be injured and later disappeared. Within a week, our daughter found the female dead by another animal. 

That night a very specific prayer was heard in Heaven: 

Dear Jesus, please help me find the nest. Please help me find the eggs or baby ducks!

The next afternoon this very specific prayer was answered.

"Mom! Come quick! I need help!"

My sweet daughter was on her bike across the road. She had stopped to look at a bird overhead when much to her surprise and delight were three, newly hatched mallard ducklings. 

"Mom, I prayed to find them last night and they found me! God answered my prayers!"

Bucket: check
Heat lamp: check
Large tote: check
Bedding and feed: check
Kennel, wading pool, water trough, chicken wire, sturdy hockey net, and oh yes, don't forget the meal worms! 

Swimming lessons

Outgrowing the storage tub. This is much better!

Outgrowing the Kennel. This is MUCH better!

Mighty ducks on the hockey net. They grow so fast!

Resting under the peach tree. Just about ready to go...

Unsure of their new home, they needed a little boost, but soon made friends with the Wood Ducks.

It's so hard to say good-by to this trio. No lesson this summer had quite the imprint on our daughter as these three did on her. Many talks and tears about nurturing as a mother does and the hurts of letting go. The joys and the pains of the whole process will carry into her adulthood and when she has her own children...she will remember this summer, when her prayers were so specific. When God heard and answered her with what may have seemed little, in such a big way. Nothing is too small, and nothing goes unseen by our Great God. 

