True and Holy Intimacy (The Sheep and the Goats)

Wedding Day

I thought I knew what it was to be 'known'. How many years had I yearned for love and to be loved. Little did I know all those years ago the sacrifice true love requires.
Recently at Mass, I allowed my mind and heart to drift as they often do. Not that I encourage that mind you. It's just something I struggle with as someone who's mind is constantly going down 'rabbit holes'. 
But, the God who knows me with great intimacy went down the calling path with me, and I heard the words He told us so long ago and still says to us, "And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity." (Matt. 7:23, Douay-Rheims).
I crawled further down that hole and recalled what it means to be 'known'. 
In all of Holy Scripture being 'known' means to be intimate with. The Blessed Mother said it best when she asked the angel Gabriel how it was that she would carry the Messiah as she said with great faith and purity, "How shall this be done, because I know not man?" (Luke 1:34, Douay-Rheims version).
Mary understood that to be known is to be intimate. 
True intimacy requires vulnerability and openness, faith and trust. How beautiful then was her response, her Fiat as she agreed to know and to be known by her creator. The Catholic church understands and teaches that the closest we can come to Our Lord is in Holy Communion and the best image of this union is in the marital act, when we are open and vulnerable with our spouse.
As a Protestant, way back when, my understanding of a relationship with God was to accept Him and have a 'personal relationship'. All well and good...well, kind of.
A personal relationship is not a communal one. 
A personal relationship is between myself and one other.
A personal relationship lets me pick and choose.
A personal relationship is often not shared.
A personal relationship is something I can walk away from.
As I grew in knowledge of the Lord and the intimacy of Holy Communion, I began to understand the oneness of the Communion of Saints. That each of us who are truly open and vulnerable to Our God who gives Himself to us in such a profound way are connected as one.
An intimate relationship with God is directly connected to the Whole Body of Christ.
An intimate relationship demands sacrifice and keeps me accountable.
An intimate relationship is something much harder to walk away from.
An intimate relationship is more fully understood within the Blessed Sacrament and to receive Him as openly and innocently as possible so as not to be judged with the goats. 
So, as I am known by Our Creator, I pray to know Him more fully: to be vulnerable and to suffer with. To see and know the entire Body of Christ and be accountable. To grow in holiness as He would have me and not as I personally choose. To desire oneness for myself, my spouse, my children, grandchildren, friends, neighbors, and my enemies and see us all to Heaven in Divine Intimacy. 
It all takes sacrifice as He sacrificed for His Bride. 
May we never hear the words, 'Depart from Me".
May we truly desire with all our being to be His sheep.
To Know and to be Known.

