To be like Little Children

Adoring Baby Jesus
photo by Betty Parquette

Once upon a time in a diocese far, far away, (well, not so far really, but it sounds good), there were three very wise but battle weary deacons. These three deacons, in their wisdom discerned together and decided they needed a much needed retreat. (Also in their very wise thoughts it was declared they would bring their equally weary wives; a very smart move.)

A decision was made and a leader of their goodsome group bravely sought out the prior of a nearby priory, beseeching him to take them in for their much needed respite. The prior, being a most agreeable sort happily agreed and soon arrangements were made. As it was the season of Advent it was the perfect time to adventure away and spend time with Jesus.

This amiable group met together at the priory for the three day respite with the prior as the retreat master. The first day began with an early morning Mass (the best way to begin), mid-morning prayer, and followed up with breakfast.

As this was the first time in a long time for a most sincere retreat, and the first time for the six of them together, they were like a little flock of sheep, needing much direction. As they entered the common dining area, they noticed many a table in which to dine, but only one appeared set. An ambo stood at the head of the table, in all appearances like a place our retreat-master would stand at to direct them.
As the tired little group chose chairs at this table to rest in, one of the wives noticed a smaller table to the side. On it were placed a set of linen napkins in rings of silver. Upon closer inspection, names were observed on each ring. Fr. A., Fr. S., Fr. Etc...

A bit of a panic overcame the group as they quickly removed their belongings and set them at a side table as they realized the table they had originally chosen was the head table of the priory priests! The idea that they could possibly have been fulfilling Jesus story about taking the high seat at a banquet which was meant for others and having to be directed to a back seat was not lost on any of them. And, as the prior entered the room he said, ah yes, you've found your table. 

 Lesson one of the retreat: never assume as it may make an ass out of u and me...

The rest of the day went about in a much smoother fashion much to their relief.

Day two was to be a feast day of Our Lady. The Mass for the Immaculate Conception received a few children with their parents. A larger group of families would be meeting at the priory a bit later for a special Adoration hour for the youngsters, followed by a sack lunch in the dining area. After an hour of silence, the newly energized children eagerly chose the tables for eating at with their friends. Because children are often more observant and less assuming, they wisely chose a different table. They chose the table of the deacons.
The deacons were now feeling more rested and wizened.  They took a small table in the back of the room to dine at. But, the even wiser prior, upon finding the children at the deacons table, asked them all to move...and invited them all to sit at the head table prepared for the priests! 

Lesson two was also not lost on the little group of six as they observed in real time the fulfilment of Jesus parable. In actuality two lessons in one: take the least seat and you may be moved to a place of honor at the head table, and also, to be like little children.

 The deacons and their brides were delighted to have learned so well (without being completely humiliated). Thanks be to God for the little things!

Now the group who had began in such a weary state, feeling much of God's goodness and rejuvenation, set out to explore a bit of the priory. 

A new group of young adults had now come to those sacred grounds for a day of rest and healing from the world. As the retreatants explored a reliquary in the basement, the young folk were having prayer and confession in the church above. Something had gotten the best of the group of six; maybe it was a gift of humor sent to them from each of the hundreds of saints relics (it was a bit of a mystery),  but the funny bone had been activated. Feeling a sense of joy, quite loud laughter ensued and I've no doubt they were a bit distracting to those seriously attempting to recall their sins and reconcile with the Good Lord above. 

The third day of the retreat the good prior brought out beautiful holy cards with original art, made by a dear friend of his. They were ours to chose from. Happily the group studied the art and the prayers attached. As each card was chosen by one or the other, one card was left. Three hearts; the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Chaste Heart of Joseph. One of the wives, in all sincerity asked, " Does anyone want the picture of the strawberries?"

The moral of my story?
Be like little children and take a back seat. Be humble and laugh at yourself. Delight in the Lord as you rest in Him and He will give you the joy of being a child in His presence. 

