Doggie for a Deacon

 Do you know Deacon Ben Hoefler? If the answer is no, you most likely know someone who has greatly benefited from knowing the good deacon!

In the 1990's Deacon Hoefler and his family moved to the Springfield diocese from the Rockford diocese. He was an ordained deacon there and upon moving to this diocese he was the ONLY deacon. Our diocese didn't have any deacons or a deacon program but thanks to Dcn. Hoefler and his hard work, we now have 50+ deacons here! He and his lovely wife Leona were present at as many formation weekends as possible and encouraged the men and their families as they undertook the 5 years of study and sacrifice towards the Permanent Deaconate. 

Why are we bringing all this attention to the good deacon? Because Ben is losing his eyesight. He has had two cornea transplants already and has lost most of his sight in one eye with the other failing. But this hasn't stopped him from serving the Lord (do any of us really retire from God's service?). Ben sometimes needs a cane for the blind but what would help him most is a service dog. That's where Lucy comes in!

Lucy is a service dog in training at Multi-sport K9 in St. Louis. These dogs take a tremendous amount of training (up to 2 years) and therefore are very costly. So...the friends of Dcn. Hoefler have come together to raise the $25,000 that will pay for Lucy's training and supplies. We realize that seems like an incredible amount but nothing is impossible for God. It should be noted that they have not asked for this help but have humbly accepted the charity of whatever amount we can raise. The down payment has already been secured and we have the next year to bring this puppy home! 

Please consider helping out with the various ways we will be raising these funds, whether it be a bake sale, a music event, or just buying little decade rosaries (hand made by our team). Many hands make little work so if we all pitch in a it will go a long way!

