Giving Pause...

Companions~Photo credit: Betty Parquette

When I first began writing, I wrote what I hoped were humorous pieces based on my own humbling experiences and saturated with the love of God for the likes of me. Sadly, as time has worn on, I have found less and less to laugh about. The topics to put the pen to have become more and more serious. Although it has become vital to write in this new tone, I still need those things that will bring a smile to my soul, if not a laugh. 

Spending more time isolated from those I love has given me the unexpected blessing of more time for contemplation. Time to think on God's many, many blessings and the beauty in each day, permeated with His great love for us and all His creation. Inspired to take up the camera which has been on my shelf gathering dust for years, (intimidating with it's technology which leaves me yearning for past days of simplicity) has brought about unexpected blessings.

With a renewed desire to share and to give pause...
With a renewed desire to pause and quietly see God's constant outpouring of Love..
With a renewed heart to express creatively the gifts of The Creator...

I hope to express in photo what God has given me the eyes to see and to share. May God give you pause. May He renew in you and speak to you in ways only your heart hears. May you rest, in this turbulent time, in His merciful heart and see He has given you reason to smile. 

~Pearl, my 21 year old mare with my son of nearly the same age. A renewed friendship.~   

